NSW Response to COVID-19
As the Federal and NSW Governments announce changes to public health orders the NSW Group will meet to discuss the impact of the changes on the activities of units within NSW & ACT. When government relaxes restrictions, it does not mean that units can simply follow these relaxed restrictions as these government restrictions are usually general in nature and do not consider our exact set of circumstances. Squadrons and Members in NSW Group must follow restrictions and conditions published below.
We must all be mindful of our actions to limit the effect on our health and the health of those around us. Information about COVID-19 and important health advice can be found here.
Face-to-face Allocation Phases
Due to the restrictions and lockdowns applied to local government areas the following system has been developed to allow units to follow restrictions that specifically apply to them. Squadrons will be allocated a phase by the Group Executive Commissioner based on NSW Government health orders. These face-to-face allocation phases are structured like a traffic light-based system and are as follows:
Squadrons allocated to the LOCKDOWN PHASE are not to meet face-to-face. Usually, this phase is in place due to government lockdowns in your area.
Squadrons allocated to the RESTRICT PHASE can meet whilst maintaining social distancing, and other restrictions.
Squadrons allocated to the MINIMIZE PHASE can meet whilst maintaining social distancing, and other more relaxed restrictions.
Squadrons allocated to the PREPARE PHASE can meet with next to no restrictions in place and must be prepared to move back into another phase.
Phases allocated to Squadrons
The following face-to-face allocations have been applied to the following units. Please check with your Unit O.C about your Unit’s restrictions.
Current Restrictions / Conditions
With the safety of our members and government restrictions in mind, a number of restrictions and conditions are currently in place, the restrictions are as follows and are categorised into the following Face-to-face Allocation Phases:
Outdoor Gatherings Recommended (R3)
Unit O.Cs should limit the time spent indoors and conduct face-to-face meetings outside (not indoors) where possible. Squadrons can meet outdoors with groups of up to 50 people.
Social Distancing (R4)
All persons attending an AAL Activity must where possible maintain a physical distance from others of at least 1.5 metres. Poster Available.
Indoor capacity limit (R5)
If meeting indoors; capacity must not exceed one person per 4 square metres.
Face masks required (R30)
Face masks are required to be worn when indoors by all members over the age of 12 years.
Do not attend if your sick (R7)
Any person who is sick or has been sick within a 2-week period of an AAL Activity, regardless of symptoms must not attend that AAL Activity.
Send home sick people (R8)
During an AAL Activity any person who becomes unwell should be sent home and immediately distanced from others
AAL Members only inside (R11)
Only AAL members are permitted to enter buildings intended to be used predominantly by youth members. Poster Available.
AAL Members only at Air League (R12)
Attendance to facilities used for the purpose of AAL parade grounds are to be restricted to AAL members only, unless with approval of the Squadron O.C. Eg: A member’s family or friends is to be restricted to remaining in vehicles during drop off and pickup if safe to do so. Poster Available.
Hand sanitiser available to members (R13)
Hand sanitiser (of at least 80% ethanol or 75% isopropyl alcohol) must be present at all active entrances to buildings used by AAL members. Signage with instructions to use hand sanitiser must also be displayed at all active entrances. Poster Available.
Sanitise shared equipment (R14)
Surfaces (tables, chairs, door handles, etc) and shared equipment (drums, flags, etc) used by members must be sanitised after every use or when transferring use to another member.
Hand Washing Facilities (R15)
Soap and handwashing facilities must be available at any facility used by AAL members. A Hand Dryer or Paper Towel must be available. Poster Available.
Attendance is not compulsory (R18)
AAL Members are not required to attend AAL Activities. Usual membership commitment requirements are suspended while a unit is assigned to this phase.
Food Preparation Hygiene Practices (R20)
Any food that requires preparation is permitted to be prepared following correct food preparation and food safety practices. Hand Hygiene practices must also be followed. Hand sanitiser should be provided to members when collecting food and used before and after eating.
Attendance register to be kept (R22)
An attendance register must be kept for each AAL Activity by a responsible person. A digital backup of the attendance register should be made as soon as possible and must be kept for 28 days. Attendance registers must be made available to Group upon request. Template Available.
No Camps or Long Activities (R23)
Overnight Activities or any activity in excess of 6 hours are not permitted to occur.
Limited Outings / Events (R24)
Outings and events should not be planned or held while a Squadron is assigned to this phase.
Transporting Members (R31)
Only members who live in the same household can be transported to, from, and during AAL activities in the same vehicle.
Use of Service NSW QR Code (R88)
Squadrons must use service NSW QR Codes to record check-in and check-out times for all attendees at the Squadron meeting locations. These QR Codes should be displayed at all entries to the building the Squadron uses. Register for QR Code here.
Be Fully Vaccinated (R90)
People over the age of 18 years must be fully vaccinated in order to attend buildings where AAL events are taking place as per NSW Government guidelines. Unit O.Cs are to ensure that proof of vaccination or exemption is checked for each person attending a building predominantly used by AAL members.
Outdoor Gatherings Limit (R89)
Squadrons can meet outdoors with up to 50 people.
Social Distancing (R4)
All persons attending an AAL Activity must where possible maintain a physical distance from others of at least 1.5 metres. Poster Available.
Indoor capacity limit (R5)
If meeting indoors; capacity must not exceed one person per 2 square metres.
Face masks required (R30)
Face masks are required to be worn when indoors by all members over the age of 12 years.
Do not attend if your sick (R7)
Any person who is sick or has been sick within a 2-week period of an AAL Activity, regardless of symptoms must not attend that AAL Activity.
Send home sick people (R8)
During an AAL Activity any person who becomes unwell should be sent home and immediately distanced from others
AAL Members only inside (R11)
Only AAL members are permitted to enter buildings intended to be used predominantly by youth members. Poster Available.
Hand sanitiser available to members (R13)
Hand sanitiser (of at least 80% ethanol or 75% isopropyl alcohol) must be present at all active entrances to buildings used by AAL members. Signage with instructions to use hand sanitiser must also be displayed at all active entrances. Poster Available.
Hand Washing Facilities (R15)
Soap and handwashing facilities must be available at any facility used by AAL members. A Hand Dryer or Paper Towel must be available. Poster Available.
Food Preparation Hygiene Practices (R20)
Any food that requires preparation is permitted to be prepared following correct food preparation and food safety practices. Hand Hygiene practices must also be followed. Hand sanitiser should be provided to members when collecting food and used before and after eating.
Attendance register to be kept (R22)
An attendance register must be kept for each AAL Activity by a responsible person. A digital backup of the attendance register should be made as soon as possible and must be kept for 28 days. Attendance registers must be made available to Group upon request. Template Available.
Approval required for Camps or Long Activities (R23)
Overnight Activities or any activity in excess of 6 hours must have approval from the Group Field Commissioner and The Group Executive Commissioner prior to commencing.
Be Fully Vaccinated (R90)
People over the age of 18 years must be fully vaccinated in order to attend buildings where AAL events are taking place as per NSW Government guidelines. Unit O.Cs are to ensure that proof of vaccination or exemption is checked for each person attending a building predominantly used by AAL members.
Use of Service NSW QR Code (R88)
Squadrons must use service NSW QR Codes to record check-in and check-out times for all attendees at the Squadron meeting locations. These QR Codes should be displayed at all entries to the building the Squadron uses. Register for QR Code here.
Do not attend if your sick (R7)
Any person who is sick or has been sick within a 2-week period of an AAL Activity, regardless of symptoms must not attend that AAL Activity.
Send home sick people (R8)
During an AAL Activity any person who becomes unwell should be sent home and immediately distanced from others
Register of visitors to be kept (R16)
A register of visitors (non AAL Members) must be kept containing contact information. This contact information will be used in the event of a confirmed COVID-19 case of any attendee. Poster Available.
Attendance register to be kept (R22)
An attendance register must be kept for each AAL Activity by a responsible person. A digital backup of the attendance register should be made as soon as possible and must be kept for 28 days. Attendance registers must be made available to Group upon request. Template Available.
Restrictions Applied Always
The following restrictions are applied to all units regardless of the face-to-face phase allocated to them.
Recommendations & Relaxation of Drill Rules (R87)
NSW Group Council requests that members not shake hands and take measures to maintain social distancing measures when performing drill, ceremonial and other maneuvers. All rules related to drill maneuvers are to be ignored that may contradict social distancing practices. Social distancing practices are to be followed at all times.
Suspension of Face to Face Activities (R28)
Squadron O.Cs will need to monitor the local community for COVID warnings and cases and should determine if Squadron Operations should continue on a regular basis. Squadrons O.Cs must inform the Group Executive Commissioner when making a decision about the halting of face to face activities.
Display Signage – Indoor Capacity Limit (R6)
Any building which AAL members are to attend must have signage displayed outlining the maximum number of people allowed inside the space the sign is referencing. This signage must enforce restriction number 5 (R5) of the phase your unit is allocated. Poster Available.
Alterations of Restrictions (R29)
It is the responsibility of Squadron O.Cs to monitor the NSW Government Restrictions especially for their local community and ensure events and activities organised by the Squadron adhere to these restrictions.
Do not attend during isolation (R9)
Any person who has come in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 or has been confirmed to have COVID-19 should self-isolate for a time period defined by a medical professional and therefore must not attend an AAL activity during their isolation time period.
Display Signage – Do not enter if showing symptoms (R10)
Any building which AAL members are to attend must have signage displayed directing people to not enter if they display any symptoms associated with COVID-19. Poster Available.
Inform GExC of Positive COVID Case (R91)
Unit O.Cs must inform the Group Executive Commissioner of any positive case that occurs with a member within their unit or any instruction from authorities to self-isolate.
Government Information
Printouts and Additional Resources