NSW Group would like to invite members to attend the 2022 NSW Group Training Camp. The Training Camp will be held at Galston Gorge Conference Centre (8 Crusader Rd, Galston) over the weekend from 5th to 7th August 2022.
This Training Camp is open to all Officers, potential Officers, NCO’s, potential NCO’s, and band members of the New South Wales Group. Networking is an important part of our organisation – this is your opportunity to network with other members, and receive updates on Air League information and build new friendships.
Payment for the camp can be completed using the following methods:
1. Preferred option for payment is electronically through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/nsw-group-training-camp-2022-tickets-373792422197
2. Payment for the camp can also be made direct to NSW Group by direct debit to the following BSB 033-089 Account number: 639740, using your certificate number as the reference or description.
3. Squadron OC’s can collect payment on behalf of members and transfers can be made to the above account address.
Please reach out to the Group Training Officer for any further information.